Thursday, July 16, 2020

How will we solve the racial crisis we are facing?

Parts of a Daisy Flower

Theologian G.K. Chesterton asks us to consider how God might have created daisies. Did He create them all at once with one swoop of His mighty hand? Or did He create them one-by-one, expressing childlike delight in each new flower? "In the beginning," Chesterton suggests, "God may have created one daisy, and something within Him spontaneously whispered, 'Do it again!'" ...   And daisy number two came into being. And once again God said, "Do it again!" And there was a third, and then a fourth, and then a fifth daisy. And so, He went on creating daisies. Until after a hundred billion trillion daisies, the great Almighty Creator who spun the galaxies into space and created all the animals, that same God is still creating daisies, and with childlike glee, still saying, "Do it again!"

Mother Teresa was once asked, how she was able to accomplish so much good work for the poor. “One by One,” she replied. Have you ever noticed how from seemingly insignificant beginnings movements can grow into a point of awe and wonder? That one by one, small steps can amount to spectacular outcomes?

That is how we will solve the racial crisis we are facing in this moment ...

  • one encounter at a time
  • one child educated at a time 
  • one honest heartfelt conversation at a time.  

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